Mission Backup Earth is an award-winning science fiction web series created by Alexander Pfander. The series portrays a scenario in which the Sun quickly transitions into a red giant, prompting humanity to desperately attempt to flee the solar system. The survivors become space nomads searching for a new home for humankind.
The series has been a labour of love, with its first episode airing in 2014. It has gained such a following that it now has a WIKI PAGE.
C O N T A M I N – THE SERIES Is now 8 BILLION and deals with the horror scenarios that will come to humanity, in the near future. Our series is not intended to scare viewers. Its aim is to send a message forcing governments of all nations to take sensible measures to protect their citizens. It carries a warning sign saying: Do not hand over power to a handful of power-obsessed big earners and pharmaceutical companies.
Thanks to Harald Franklin, I am cast as Rene Clement, a power-obsessed maniac!